Gardening for Beginners

Hay or Straw: Which is Right for Your Vegetable Garden?

A reader writes in and asks, “What’s the difference between hay and straw? Which one should I mulch my garden beds with, or does it matter?” A: Hay is grass or grain (clover, wheat, barley, alfalfa, timothy, oats or rye) that has been cut to use as animal fodder. A farmer will use a combine to pick […]

Hay or Straw: Which is Right for Your Vegetable Garden? Read More »

NJ Garden Planning in February? Yes! Start Now and Be Ready for Spring Planting

Winter blues getting you down? Don’t just dream about garden planning for NJ’s spring planting season… do it! Even a first-time gardener can successfully grow healthy and delicious vegetables if they learn the basics of gardening and plan their plot in advance. Below, a list of things to consider before you lay the groundwork for

NJ Garden Planning in February? Yes! Start Now and Be Ready for Spring Planting Read More »

Gardening Shortcut: How to Plant Your NJ Fall Garden in 2 Hours or Less

So you want to plant some cold-weather loving veggies, but it’s August, and it’s hot, and you just don’t have time? Guess again. If executed properly, all you need is one afternoon of light gardening to be on your way to enjoying some hearty soups, stews and side dishes that include your favorite greens this

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Choosing a Fertilizer for Your Vegetable Garden

Choosing a Fertilizer for Your Vegetable Garden Vegetables grow best in soil that contains 5 percent nitrogen, 10 percent phosphate, and 5 percent potash. The commercial fertilizers list this ratio on their bags, so if you see a fertilizer that’s labeled 5-10-5, then you know you’re buying the right thing. That being said, we do not generally

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Best Time to Water Your Vegetable Garden, Best Time to Pick Vegetables

Best time to water your garden vegetables The best time to give your thirsty garden plants a drink is on a bright, sunny morning. Many people water at night, when they get home from work. Night air plus wet plants in your garden equals susceptibility to disease. If you find that watering just isn’t working

Best Time to Water Your Vegetable Garden, Best Time to Pick Vegetables Read More »