
How to Grow Strawberries Organically – NJ Zone 6

Strawberries are tough to grow for a few reasons. For all the work and planning they require, the harvesting season is pretty brief. Here in Zone 6, we plant strawberries in the early spring, to be harvested by end of May, and June in the case of some varieties. Strawberry plants are susceptible to viruses, […]

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Hay or Straw: Which is Right for Your Vegetable Garden?

A reader writes in and asks, “What’s the difference between hay and straw? Which one should I mulch my garden beds with, or does it matter?” A: Hay is grass or grain (clover, wheat, barley, alfalfa, timothy, oats or rye) that has been cut to use as animal fodder. A farmer will use a combine to pick

Hay or Straw: Which is Right for Your Vegetable Garden? Read More »

Growing Tomatoes in New Jersey: Some Tips for Beginners

Trying your hand at tomatoes this summer? While some first-time farmers shy away from the seemingly more complicated crops like corn or beans, nearly every newbie is willing to stick a few tomato plants in the ground and hope for the best. If you’ve never grown tomatoes before (or you have but you’re still learning),

Growing Tomatoes in New Jersey: Some Tips for Beginners Read More »